Julia projects

Posted on Aug 23, 2022
(Last updated: Feb 8, 2024)

I’ve recently felt the urge to make some math-related projects and visualization projects. So I picked up Julia and have so far learned the basics of the language - it’s a quite simple and dynamic language which I appreciate, especially after my most recent projects have been in C/C++ and Rust - it’s a great refresh in programming.

So far I’ve made quite small projects with a lot of built-in libraries. Which, once again, is a huge refresher from the C/C++ world. Stuff just works (mostly) :).

The project I’ve liked the best so far is a program that visualizes Fourier Series - In this project, I wrote the math as well so that was fun. Here’s a GIF to show the output:


I’m glad I’ve started to learn Julia, it seems like a nice language for visual and data related projects. Definitely a language I will continue to learn and explore.